Featured in Lost King, “The Immortal Hunt” is an old poem written by an elven Seer who once witnessed a Hunt. The Hunt is usually driven by Balance, bringing together all the existing male demigods to hunt down a soul who has crossed into each of their negative domains too many times, causing too much Chaos.
“The Immortal Hunt”
Run, run, little thief, but you cannot hide,the gods’ revenge will not abide,
A beast who steals, who kills, depraved,
who preys on souls and can’t be saved.
You cannot still the burning Hate,
which beats within the souls you take,
Nor burn away the sickly Fear,
which chills your bones and draws your tears.
You cannot fight the raging War,
which churns and burns within your core,
And none escape the shade of Death,
which stops all hearts and steals all breath.
When gods join force against your crime,
you’ll pray your death takes little time.